Three random songs stuck in my head.
"Ten Storey Love Song" - Stone Roses
I had forgotten about this song for a really long time, and then a few months ago when I was still in my old apartment which had satellite, I saw the video for this on VH1 Classic's "The Alternative" (now rightly called "120 Minutes").
Side note: upon looking up the new 120 Minutes, I read a lot of ranting about its return and that it should stay dead because it's somehow messing with the integrity of the old show, and it was just rehashing to "cash in" on nostalgia or something ridiculous like that. Ummm...I'd rather watch old Wonder Stuff and Love & Rockets videos than see a bunch of disgusting, orange-spraytan coeds have sex with each other and then get arrested for drunken behavior YET AGAIN. Also, it's on VH1 Classic, which is supposed to rehash old videos. Enough with this "back in my day" talk.
So I saw the video for this song on "The Alternative", and had forgotten how much of a gem this song was. It comes from their much-derided second-and-last album, "The Second Coming". You could tell by the name alone that the album was going to be pap. Okay, so it's not necessarily pap - I think it's gotten a bum rap over the years, although I do think it gets a little jam-band up in there, and if you know me, you know what I think of jam bands. So it's not at all bad, especially when "Ten Storey Love Song" comes along, which is one of their sweetest songs ever, aside from "Standing Here" from the first album. It's all very "I love you, take my hand and we'll fly away" kind of stuff, and the melody is so much lighter and more spritely than most of their back catalog. This is definitely not afraid of being a pop song, and it totally wins. Which is why it's so funny that the video is just chock full of insane British art cues, like Mani dressed up as the pope in homage to Lucien Freud.
"Something Kinda Ooh" - Girls Aloud
Girls Aloud are like if Danity Kane were actually entertaining and put out more than 2 songs. All their music is like crazy dancey helium balloon inhaling girly gay pop. I'm sure that made a ton of sense but that's the only way I can describe it. Obviously, this makes it an immediate guilty (or not-so-guilty) pleasure. The beat is pretty great, I love the manly "OH YEAH" shouting bits dispersed throughout the chorus, whoever is doctoring their voices did a great job because the girls don't ocmpletely sound like machines. The lyrics, however, leave me scratching my head: "something kinda ooh/jumping on my tutu", for example. Jumping on your tutu? Pardon me? I also thought at some point that they sang "I should've come with a body wrap/so I'd know whether or not he would take me". WHOAH. GROSS. But in reality, it's "I should've come with a party rap, so I'd know where the night would take me". So I guess that makes more sense, although who says "party rap"? And not party rap like the Fresh Prince, more like a party itinerary. In any case the song gets regularly lodged in my brain and this video was apparently made with a $5 budget. Also the redhead's utter plainness irritates me.
"Me Plus One" - Kasabian
This album definitely lost luster for me over time, but the songs on it that stand out kind of smack you in the face. I think this is one of them. The strings in this are pretty mesmerizing, especially at the end when they get all frantic. Also, the "I want love, love love" part of the chorus is catchy as hell and I find myself singing it a lot. I'm not entirely sure what guestlists have to do with doing it with ladies, as this song clearly is about (oh wait, me plus one...ahhhh), but whatevs. Also, the video is nice because Serge Pizzorno is a pretty, pretty man. Watch out, office workers, there are boobies in the video!
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